Speak Up!
At Euroports, we are committed to promoting integrity and transparency. Honesty and respect are our core values. You can help us by reporting any illegal or unethical incidents you encounter at Euroports.
We strongly encourage transparency. If you have concerns, don’t hesitate to speak about it with your contact person at Euroports.
In addition, you also have the option to submit a whistleblowing report or contact our whistleblowing officer.
- Yritys- ja kehitysjohtaja (konsernin lakiasiainjohtaja): +32 3 204 93 02
- Henkilöstöjohtaja (Group HR): +32 477 45 33 83
- Paikallinen henkilöstöjohtaja: +358 400204149
These channels are available to both internal staff members and external stakeholders, such as staff members of customers and suppliers, job applicants and former employees.
You can use the whistleblowing channels to report conduct that breaches the law or violates our Code of Conduct or other company policies. Our whistleblowing officers handle every report thoroughly, confidentially, and impartially.
Your identity will be kept confidential, and if you prefer, you can report anonymously. We will give you feedback on how your report has been followed up.
You can find more information in our Whistleblowing Policy and Privacy Statement.
Thank you for contributing to doing business ethically and responsibly!