Attention! Handling blockade in all Finnish ports 3.-8.2.2025, read more


The ship is loaded with care!

The ship is loaded with care!

The wellbeing of our staff is part of Europort's strategy and we are strongly committed to improving wellbeing. Maintaining fitness in the stevedoring industry requires physical fitness and safe, healthy and ergonomic working practices. The Ship is Loaded with Caring! wellbeing programme aims to support everyone's ability to work so that they can go home from work in good health and ultimately retire from work in better health.  

As part of our wellbeing programme, we are developing work with our partner Freia to provide early support and constructive interaction coaching for chaperones. The aim is to find solutions together to support work capacity at an early stage. The development of pre-employment work has started at Euroports Hanko. The supervisors in Hanko will receive training on topics such as identifying a work ability problem, the importance of one's own interaction style and self-awareness, constructive interaction and successful work ability discussion, how to talk about difficult issues and the importance of feedback.  

Together with the Hanko pre-employees and our occupational health partner Mehiläinen, we have built a strong work capability chain that describes the roles and responsibilities of each party in managing work capability issues. Managers are involved in the development of work capacity issues and in work capacity negotiations. This is facilitated by our work capability coordinator Pia, who joined us in December. Pia tells us that we have made good progress with the new model of capability management. Processes are becoming clearer and more developed in collaboration with management, production planning and occupational health. A lot is happening behind the scenes, even if it is not yet visible to everyone. In life, and especially in work, nothing is more certain than change. Change can be a step for the better, and that is definitely the goal here.  

The aim of the wellbeing programme is to put in place the structures, processes and roles of capability management and to encourage staff to take care of their own wellbeing and capability. As a result of the measures taken, we aim to halve the cost of sickness absence.