Attention! Handling blockade in all Finnish ports 3.-8.2.2025, read more


Suvi Pajarinen, Forwarding (seasonal employment)

Suvi Pajarinen, Forwarding (seasonal employment)

I'm Suvi Pajarinen, I started working at Euroports at the beginning of May.

Hain keväällä Europortsille kesätöihin toimihenkilön pestiin, sillä hakukriteerit olivat sellaiset mihin sovin. Olen opiskellut  AMK:ssa kansainvälistä kauppaa ja sivussa meriliiketoimintaa, joten kesätöiden työnkuva sopisi hyvin myös opintojen kanssa yhteen.

My job title is import forwarder. I work both on the pulp and bulk side and on the container handling side. My job description mainly includes: data processing of ship manifests, customs clearances, organizing ship paperwork, pulp stock changes and creating containers in the system.

The best thing about my job is its versatility. Even though the tasks are quite routine, there is always something new to learn, which keeps things interesting. My colleagues have all been very nice and have given me a good introduction to the job, and they always help out when needed.

Euroports as a company is a workplace with a safe and happy working environment, where you can challenge yourself in a variety of tasks.